Bhavani Foundation regaining the livelihood of The Trans Community.
During the hard times of Covid, the lockdown has caused immense trouble to the people working on a daily basis. Including the poor, daily wage workers, beggars, and other lower-class people of our society. These people have faced a crisis like no other, in terms of its potential economic and social impacts due to loss of livelihood, lack of food, shelter, and other basic needs. The Lockdown had indeed amplified challenges because of no sources of income during the lockdown.
Bhavani Foundation has stood up during certain hard times, held their hands to face the challenges, and has provided them with the necessities. This time on our social media handle we got a request from Mr. Shailesh Gupta a noble Social Worker, who has been helping the transgender community in and around Thane. After the discussion with him, he told our team that there are approximately 38 people who did not get any kind of help from the government nor any other community during this harsh 2nd wave of Covid-19 lockdown. Further, he put some light on their current situation, he said that some are aged, some are sick with different kinds of illnesses and a small hand of help from Bhavani Foundation would mean a lot to them.
Despite the hard times the managing Committee members personally decided to distribute the grocery kits to all the 38 people of this community on Sunday 11th July 2021 at 2.00 pm. The entire community was thankful to Bhavani Foundation, even our team felt obliged while helping them and gain their unending blessings.
Bhavani Foundation never backs down when it comes to helping the community and being a part of it. The more you give to poor and needy people, the more you strengthen their dependency. Bhavani Foundation believes in giving them the chance or opportunity, with an effective and long-lasting improvement in their lives. We tend to create a new system built on inter-dependency that motivates them to work and move forward with their dignity maintained along with building relationships, teaching them, and regaining their self-confidence and self-esteem to work for themselves.